Our members and local businesses are key to the mission of the Sheriff Station Boosters! The San Dimas Sheriff’s Booster Club consists of people like yourself – individuals, merchants, business owners – anyone who wants to help save lives and make a positive difference in our communities. We provide the means to raise money for the needs of our volunteer personnel who work under the direction of the San Dimas Sheriff’s Station. Our members enjoy special recognition and are invited to events throughout the year that introduce them to our sheriff’s station and its volunteers. On average, our volunteers donate close to 30,000 hours each year!
Become a Premium Business Member! These individuals and businesses will receive special recognition, advertising on Booster Banter newsletter inserts, and invitations to special events. Additionally, there are frequent free activities, including visits to the Sheriff Station, first aid and CPR training, home and business crime prevention seminars — and more! Free events for members and their families!

Renew Membership

Become A Member
Want More Information?
Call Mark Nelson at 909-996-1784 for more information about business memberships and our volunteer opportunities.
Please join us in showing our appreciation to these dedicated citizens for volunteering their time and efforts to our community.
To make arrangements to pick up your check and to compose your ad for our Facebook page, call Mark Nelson at (909) 996-1784 Make your check payable to: San Dimas Sheriff’s Boosters. The San Dimas Sheriff’s Boosters is a non-profit organization and all money goes directly to benefit the Volunteers. Tax I.D. # 95-4834630
Current Booster Members
Booster Individual Membership
Anthony Adamus
Debra Alarcon
Laura Alvarado
Edwin Anderson
Menyoun M. Andrade
Elvin Arnold
Cheryl Avelar
Emmett & Pamela Badar
Jill Baise
Jerry Barlows
Pastor David Berkedal & Rev Sally Welch
Denis & Diana Bertone
David & Kimberly Bratt
Sheryl Brezina
Larry & Kristen Brock
Connie Brown
Dave Campbell
Richard Carnow, DC
Sylvia Chapman
Russ Chapman
Allen Chen
Marcia Conway
Susan & Mitchell Crawford
Karol Curtis
Gary & Erin Cyr
John & Susan Davis
John & Mike DeFalco
Randy Dominguez
Matt & Julie Draayom
Sharon Durkan
Joyce Emerson
Gary Enderle
Georgia Florentine
Pete & Lisa Fosselman
Kevin Frey
Barbara Gaynor
Larry & Diane Giannone
Joseph & Joan Gleason
Rita Gras
Don & Margie Green
Ron & Lavon Grey
David K. Hall & Family
Dave & Chris Harbin
Robert & Jeri Hardcastle
Gail Hartman
Culver & Wanda Heaton
Diana Higashi
Carol Hopping
Stan & Kay Hoveland
Susan Hutchinson
Ed Jucksch
Tony & Danielle Kalem
Maurice S. Kane, Jr. & Family
Charles “Chuck” Kantrim & Family
Bill & Gayle King
Bridget M. Kitzler
Ron & Alline Kranzer
Bruce Kranzer
Laura Lampys
Gary & Kathy Leder
Bobby & Dawna Marshall
James McCants & Family
Jody Mentzer
Don Meredith
Pat & Kathy Meyers
Rebecca Miars
Jim Miyao
Alan Nash
Mark & Linda Nelson
Tom & Sue Nuss
Robert Olander II
Jay Pace
Carlos Perez
Emma M. Ramirez
Jan Salas
Jim & Alta Skinner
Don & Tami Slawson
Paul Stehrenberger
Penny Stevenson
Maryann Stubblefield
Jeff & Terry Templeman
Bob & Anita Tunstall
Peter Velasco & Family
Michael Wallace & Family
William C. Whiteside
Nancy Wilson
Paul & Ella Wynman
Bill & Nancy Yanez
Pat Zline
Contact Us
If you have a question or would like to learn more, please contact us using the form here